AGRA International, Inc., established in 2001, is an avenue to declare and publish the Good News of Jesus Christ.
National and international Christian pastors and missionaries need our immediate attention through prayer and giving. AGRA is a non-profit IRS 501.c.3 religious organization to facilitate your giving.
Go on short-term trips. See and hear what the ministry really needs and begin to add to the supply.
Be an encourager to the Christian leadership in the mission field.
Using scripture from the Bible, Kathleen Burnett teaches locally and internationally.
Kathleen Burnett wrote a guide for those serving in the church. This scripture-based booklet in English and Spanish she uses in her training sessions in churches.
Kathleen Burnett is preparing for AGRA's five-day missions trip to Guatemala, Central America, November 9-13, 2018. Supplies for missionary Teri Littrell will be collected.
Africa is in the future, but her needs are present. AGRA is well-acquainted with active ministries in various countries within the continent of Africa, and a few retired missionaries now stateside, who keep their ministries encouraged and supplied, with which we could assist.
Praise Chapel's Bible Study is taught by Kathleen Burnett each Tuesday morning, Highway 3, Webster, Texas, from 10:00 to noon, at the request of the Senior Pastor Roy Love, extending an invitation to those who enjoy delving into the Word of God.
A Bible School in Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico broaden its ministry base to reach students far away through technological systems. AGRA comes alongside this awesome Tepic pastor and founder of the Bible School to raise regular monthly support, for Senior Pastor Roberto Wilmer.
The Sunshine School is located in a rural environment an hour's drive from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, Central America, where Kathleen Burnett visited November 2017. Immediately AGRA began supporting the Christian school's general budget, agreeing that it is raising a generation of academic leaders in Christ Jesus.
You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
II Timothy 2:1-2 NASB
But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
James 1:22, 27 NASB
By 1988, Kathleen Burnett answered the ministry call to preach the Good News, to pray, and aid others in ministry. Kathleen Burnett has preached in North America, Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.
June 2001, Kathleen Burnett formalized AGRA International, Inc., and began its operations as a non-profit religious organization according to the IRS 501.c.3 status.
AGRA International, Inc. is an avenue to take the Good News to the people. AGRA International, Inc.'s mission is to declare and publish the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ; to come alongside pastors and missionaries, to facilitate and raise support for their local projects in the United States of America and abroad for the glory of God.
AGRA International, Inc.
224 N. Michigan Avenue
League City, TX 77573
kathleenburnett (at) hotmail.com
Mobile: 832 864 2020