From Kathleen Burnett, founder and director of AGRA International, Inc.
Jesus Christ became my Lord and Savior about forty years ago, November 14, 1978. In 1987 my friend told me of a great church that preaches the Gospel and is spirit-filled. When the pastor began a two-year Bible School, I was among the first graduating class in 1989. Life has not been the same since, to the glory of God!
My family welcomed and accommodated other Bible School students into our home dynamic, as well as, visiting missionaries and pastors. Our growing sons gave up their bedrooms and time with Mom to see the move of God increase in the lives of others. My loving husband and I have been married a long time. In August 2018 we celebrate fifty years of marriage. All this is truly His blessing.
Family members encouraged me to begin a non-profit as a platform to minister the Good News and to be able to further assist ministers with their vision by raising funds for godly endeavors. Even before AGRA was formed, I visited numerous ministries in various areas, reporting their growth and transformation. It was through this process that I recognized that being on-site gave me a greater voice on their behalf, once back home. When news came that AGRA International, Inc. was fully recognized as a non-profit religious organization, I was in Zambia, Africa with a dynamic pastor's family. We rejoiced unashamedly!
Some people are in your life for a season of time. Bless them! You do not know how long that will be. Love abounds. Others, remain like family members, adding yet another layer of joy and fulfillment to your life. Please consider locking elbows, arm-in-arm, with AGRA International, Inc.

“II sent you to reap that for which you have not laborerd; others have labored and you have entered into their labor." John 4:38 NASB
Kathleen Burnett, wife, mother, host,
founder and director of AGRA International, Inc.