Guatemala, Central America
AGRA's main ministry contact in Guatemala, Teri Littrell, invited me, Kathleen Burnett, to come in November. Plans are underway for a five-day trip, November 9-13, 2018, to explore the missionary's vast improvements in the mountainous communities. AGRA provides supplies for the missionary's needs.
During past years, AGRA raised funds for supplies, or built, many concrete block homes on mountain-steep slopes for widows, and widows with children. At times, AGRA also provided waterlines, and pilas, such as Cristina's new outdoor sink used for chores and hygiene. I'm ready to give widows hugs in November.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,
"Whom shall I send,
and who will go for Us?"
Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
He said, Go, and tell this people:
Isaiah 6:8-10 NSAB

Teaching the Bible Study at Praise Chapel
Webster, Texas
Twenty-plus miles south of Houston, located near NASA, Kathlen Burnett is teaching an extensive study for adults, currently on I and II Timothy, at the Bible Study at Praise Chapel, in Webster, Texas, each Tuesday morning from 10:00 until noon, at the invitation of Senior Pastor Roy Love. If your schedule permits, I welcome your joining the group.
Sunshine School, Honduras, Central America

November 2017, as a member of a short-term missions team, I was introduced to the honorable director, Emma de Sosa of MUNA International, and graciously shown the facilities built about an hour's drive outside San Pedro Sula, Honduras, Central America.
Nestled among the buildings of MUNA International is the Christian campus of Sunshine School. I loved the elementary-to-highschool facilities and the vision to develop advanced academics made available to rural children. AGRA began sending monthly support for the general operation of the Christ-centered school. In a rural environment the Sunshine School is raising a generation which excels in academic leadership in the footsteps of Jesus.